Warm Fuzzies

pewter cup 4Depending on where you live, right now it’s either really cold or really, really cold (unless you live in the Southern Hemisphere where it is summer right now…or Florida….but that doesn’t count). So, for this post, I thought that I would share a few of the things that are helping keep me warm right now on these cold days. These are things that I love, too, and I’m hoping you will love them as well! ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading

Sights, Sounds, and Smells (a.k.a., “Finding Fall”)

imageThis tea smells like fall. I found a stray tea bag in the tea box I keep at work, and ended up going around the office asking my co-workers to take a whiff: “Smell this…It smells like fall!” ๐Ÿ™‚

This article motivated me in decorating for fall.

This recipe is my first official baking of the autumn season. I actually didn’t refrigerate the dough this time, but I think that’s because the coconut oil wasn’t all the way melted. I barely had enough molasses in the jar, and I didn’t have any eggs. But I subbed in two tablespoons of cornstarch and whipped these up for life group this week. I’m actually not that used to this much sugar, but it was a good treat ๐Ÿ™‚

These fingerless gloves make me ready for cooler weather…Lots of fall accessories coming to my Etsy shop, Bitty Gifts–for women, and for little ones!


It’s summer! I took this photo a few days ago while driving…

We have been having the weirdest summer weather this week. Earlier in the week, it rained for a couple days, and then it’s been overcast and misty for the rest of the week…Very strange for West Texas. But I’m not complaining ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the moisture, and I know it’s helping the farmers in our area….Yay for no more drought! ๐Ÿ™‚

Dear Sweet Tea, where have you been all my life??

With summer quickly approaching (it's already been over 100 degrees F this week where I live, at least once), I thought it was high time I posted another beverage to this blog, as it seems I've neglected this department ๐Ÿ˜‰ When I first went gluten-free, refined sugar free, I thought that I'd said goodbye forever to sweet tea…I used to love making it when friends came over, and I'll never forget the first time I discovered how to make "sun tea"! ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, now, thanks to inspiration from one of my friends, I have discovered the art of making sweet tea with agave nectar (or honey). You can do it for individual servings, or for a whole pitcher–though ultimately, you can sweeten (or not sweeten) to taste. A perfect addition to your next cookout or picnic!


I don't know about you, but I drink water on a daily basis. I don't really care for carbonated beverages, but sometimes I do get tired of just plain water. And even in the winter time, we need water. Here's an idea to spruce up your routine for healthy liquid intake. I got this idea from my pastor's wife, who makes the most beautiful fruit water arrangements for several wedding showers that I've been to.