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Ask and I’ll Give the Nations to You

black and white - treeA couple of weeks ago during church, we sang this song, which I hadn’t sung probably since high school.

In fact, high school is the reason why the song had such an impression on me years later. You see, I tend to mark certain seasons of my life with songs or song albums. Hearing certain songs or artists immediately takes me back to specific places and times. 

I remember this song being sung during summer camp, a time when God spoke to me in powerful ways. He put huge dreams in my heart, and challenged me to step out of my comfort zone. Little did I know I would have to overcome many fears, obstacles, and false beliefs before I would be at a place to truly step into these places.black and white - booklet

As we sang this song so many years later, God reminded me of the words that He’s spoken to me about who I am, my purpose, and what He has called me to do.

It doesn’t look anything like what I thought it would, but those words are still true. laundry 2sundialflight in

I can still choose to see the way He sees, and choose to say yes to what He says yes to. 

When he sees someone hurting and says “yes” to their healing, I choose to say yes, and speak that over them.

When He sees freedom from addiction and says yes, I say yes.

When He sees restoration of marriages and says yes, I say yes to that, too.

When He nudges me to talk with someone, or pray with them, or write a note of encouragement, I choose to say yes. travel roombutterfly with broken wingphoto 1-3

When I was young, God spoke to me that I would be a missionary. I thought that would mean living overseas for the rest of my life. But instead, God has brought me to an incredible church in a small town, and opened doors for me to individually reach and minister to people right where I’m at…And He speaks to me: “You are a missionary.”

It doesn’t look like what I thought, but I choose to say yes right here. tulips 3

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